
Policies & Forms

Outstanding Teacher Resource

General Information

Sessions offered:

  • 3 Year Old AM: Mondays and Fridays 9:00-11:30AM

       Child must be three on or before September 30th to be in this class

  • 4 Year Old AM: Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:00-11:30AM 

       Child must be four on or before September 30th to be in this class

  • Pre-K PM:  Monday-Friday 12:45-3:15PM

       Child must be five on or before January 1st to be in this class


• Students must be toilet trained before the first day of school. 

• Medical exam must be current at the time of admission. Physicals are valid for one year and must be kept valid while the student is enrolled. 

• Parents are expected to take turns providing healthy daily snacks. 

• Our preschool is accredited by the Ohio Department of Education. 

• Families are required to have at least one parent attend an informational meeting in late August, date/time to be announced later in the year, for an overview of preschool and pre-k policies. This will be a parent only evening, please do not bring your children. 

• The preschoolers will be invited to “Meet the Teacher” (dates and times will be assigned at the parent meeting in August). During these times the students will meet with the teacher, create a craft, and participate to complete simple activities.

Outstanding Teacher Resource

Registration Priority

  •  First priority is to be given to registered parishioners of St. John the Baptist Parish, with children presently registered and enrolled in St. John the Baptist School. 
  • Second priority given to parishioners with children who have graduated from St. John the Baptist School. 
  • Third priority is given to those families who are registered with St. John the Baptist parish, with no other children in attendance at the school. 
  • Fourth priority is to be given to any presently employed teacher of St. John the Baptist School for his/her child. 
  • Fifth priority is given to non-parish members. 
    Priority registration ends with the registration deadline date. Applications will be accepted on a first come first served basis at this time. If multiple applications are received on the same day and it would cause St. John the Baptist School to exceed enrollment size for that particular class, the above criteria would apply for the selection process. 
    Registrations will not be accepted until both the registration fee and a copy of your child’s birth certificate are returned with the completed registration form.

508 Park Ave., Harrison, Ohio 45030
Phone: 513.367.6826  -  Fax: 513.572.9413 
Google Driving Directions

St. John The Baptist where children develop their unique, God-given academic and interpersonal talents

We're committed to educating our students academically, spiritually, socially, physically, and emotionally to develop their full potential. We serve families in Harrison and surrounding communities in Ohio and Indiana, providing an environment where students learn to live the message of Jesus Christ.